Do you think your website should be safe for web users to access? It should be if you want it to be legitimate. You get organic traffic, build customer loyalty, boost sales and increase revenue if your website is trustworthy. When cybercrimes are increasing with the extensive use of the Internet, how do you ensure that your website is reliable? 

It is a genuine concern to many millennials who use the web now for anything like shopping, transferring funds, and booking a cab to data storage. Most fraudsters and hackers target people who are always online carrying out activities. The best way to make your website secure and reliable is by getting SSL certificates. By not having them, you will lose potential customers, who are alerted by the browsers not to visit your site, for it is not secure.

An SSL certificate is no more optional but essential as it protects your website from an unsuspecting user, who will try to steal sensitive information on your site. Hackers are conversant with the latest technology, which they utilize to develop malicious software and hide on a webpage. There are instances of malicious software released into the web users’ computer systems for getting access to confidential information. 

With an SSL certificate, you can safeguard your site from any virus attacks. You can choose from different SSL certificates like Standard, Premium, and Premium Plus (Wildcard). Those who want to secure their personal websites or blogs can subscribe to the Standard Plan, while SMEs and large organizations can choose the Premium or Premium Plus plan for the strongest encryption of information. It protects your important data from stealing or leaking by unauthorized people.

Why Should Your Small Business Get an SSL Certificate?

Getting SSL certification is a priority for an SME if you want to win your target customers’ loyalty. By having it, a website ensures that customers’ security is not at risk. Here are some top reasons for buying an SSL certificate. 

  1. Helps protect data

The most essential function of SSL certification is to encrypt and protect the communication sent from the users’ web browsers to the web servers. You can protect every bit of information on your website by installing an appropriate SSL certificate. By encrypting all sensitive data, there is little chance for scammers or hackers to break the security and steal the information. 

Encrypting the login details like the username and passwords, credit card or debit card numbers, and mobile numbers will help an eCommerce store to have customers buy and pay for the products they want. With an unsecured store, customers will never risk their security by visiting it.

  1. Provide safety to customers

Keeping your users’ identity secure is essential to establishing trust, irrespective of whether it is a website or an eCommerce store. The padlock icon ensures that any information you send will not put you at risk of falling in the wrong hands. It will spoil your business’ reputation.

  1. Helps meet PCI DSS requirements

Your website cannot receive payments if it is not PCI DSS compliant. In such a case, your online store cannot sell products or services to customers. Buying an SSL certification plan will help you meet the PCI requirement, which is one of the twelve requisites of the PCI card industry. 

  1. Rank high on the search engines

With a suitable SSL certificate, your website address is changed from ‘HTTP’ to ‘HTTPS’. Moreover, Google has effected some changes to its algorithm to give preference to SSL-certified websites. Some studies by SEO experts have revealed that HTTPS-enabled websites ranked better and higher on search engines.

  1. Helps confirm your identity

Your website gets an authentication by acquiring this certification. When it comes to website security, verifying its identity is an important aspect. By installing this security tool, you can confirm your identity by undergoing a validation process conducted by the Certificate Authority (CA). Depending on the types of SSL certification, your business’ identity is verified and integrity vouched through trust indicators. 
Any business needs to have SSL certificates considering the above reasons. The best hosting provider can help you with the most suitable certification.


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