In the hot summer months, it’s crucial to have a good air conditioning unit working in your home. A great AC can make your home more comfortable and save you money on your utility bills by keeping your indoor temperature at an optimal level. That said, these units are mechanical, and they do require maintenance from time to time in order to work effectively and efficiently. Here are five tips on how to get the most out of your air conditioning unit.

1) Schedule Your Air Conditioner Maintenance

No, seriously. While you might be tempted to put off AC maintenance until it’s absolutely necessary (i.e., it stops working), that’s never actually a good idea. Air conditioners are complex systems, and routine maintenance often means they’re running better and using less energy down the line than if they aren’t maintained at all. So, while it might be annoying to schedule your service when everything seems fine, do it anyway—the long term benefits are definitely worth it. Think of your air conditioner as an investment in your home and start protecting it with regular checkups today!

2) Change The Filters

Dirty filters mean less air is able to pass through, which in turn means your air conditioner has to work harder. The problem with dirty filters is that you can’t actually see when they need to be changed. So instead of having to guess how often, set up a reminder on your calendar or Google Calendar (which works on your phone!) and change them once a month. You’ll also want to clean or replace any screens and grills throughout your home. All in all, spending 10 minutes cleaning or replacing these parts will help you get more out of your unit—and pay off in lower energy bills!

3) Keep Plants Indoors

If you have any live plants in your home, keeping them away from air conditioners can help keep your energy bill down. Strong air conditioning systems can actually dry out surrounding rooms and give off an undesirable aroma when they’re operating. Keeping these plants under an air conditioner can cause them to wilt and turn brown (or even die). When possible, keep both plants and an air conditioner at least three feet away from one another. This will ensure that each stays fresh and healthy for as long as possible. Additionally, consider adding greenery to your windowsills to provide even more breathing room for your indoor plant friends!

4) Test All Ducts For Leaks

If you live in a home that uses duct work, it’s essential to get an annual duct inspection. This can be done by hiring your own contractor or by getting your air conditioner inspected for leaks when it’s serviced. HVAC contractors should check all areas of your duct work for potential problems and fix them immediately. During my last cleaning and inspection, I had my technician find a small leak on one of my units. The problem was caught early and fixed at no cost to me! If I hadn’t been getting regular inspections from trained professionals, then I would have never found it until damage occurred – if ever!

5) Run The System in Cycles

When you’re running your air conditioning, it’s important to not run it continuously. It’s far better to run it for short periods of time and then let your home rest between cycles—and really give your system an opportunity to clean itself and return to full operation. One way you can do this is by setting up a timer that keeps track of how long you run your air conditioner and then automatically pauses it once your preset amount of time runs out. Another great idea is just going into settings on any smart device that you may have (like Amazon Alexa or Google Home) and adding set timers, which will also pause when they run out.


As you can see, your air conditioner is an important piece of equipment. This doesn’t mean you need to be intimidated by it. Rather, proper maintenance will help ensure your unit lasts for years to come. This is why it’s important to follow these five steps.


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