Most labor management experts agree on two issues: to achieve the best levels of business productivity, it is absolutely necessary to keep all the members of the human team motivated. On the other hand, it is precisely the human team that is the most difficult part to manage.

People are not machines and, therefore, to function optimally in a company, it is not enough for employees to have technical training. The emotional part counts a lot, and if people are not satisfied in the company, they do not feel cared for and valued and the work environment is not ideal, they will not perform one hundred percent, so the business results will end up suffering negatively. The motivation of the workers is an art and as in any artistic activity, technical aspects are merged with issues that have more to do with having a left hand and knowing behave assertively and empathically with the different members of an organization. One aspect that further complicates the issue of human team management is precisely that: it is a team, a group that must work in order to achieve a common goal. But each individual also has their own personal goals and different ways of seeing things. That is why each incentive or action to motivate employees can work differently for each person. 

Keys to keep work teams motivated

1) Define a complete strategy

The management of each company or organization has to define in detail its business objectives of a more quantitative or material nature, for example how many products it wants to sell throughout the year and what level of profits to achieve. But that is not enough, the company must also be very clear about other more intangible aspects such as its values, mission and philosophy, and implement a method to communicate these ideas to its workers, involve them and align them with their personal projects.

2) Choose the most suitable intermediate positions

The intermediate or managerial positions act as a bridge between the management of the company and the employees. They are the professionals who direct and lead the group, working day by day and side by side with the workers to achieve the company’s objectives. It is very important to select for this position not only people with the necessary training and technical knowledge, but also those with leadership skills, magnetism and the ability to empathize. But above all they must have enthusiasm and be able to transmit and spread their positive attitude to the rest.

3) Implement an effective incentive policy

It is important to encourage all workers on a material level with bonuses, commissions, incentive trips, etc. But also take care of another even more important issue: the emotional part. The worker must feel loved, valued and supported by the company through different actions, many of them detailed such as: a cordial treatment, publicly recognizing his achievements or worrying about his personal well-being both inside and outside of work.

4) Take care of the environment

The work environment is vital. Personal relationships must be enhanced by carrying out activities outside the office (excursions, group meals, leisure activities, invitations to cultural or sports events…). Do not make the mistake of neglecting details such as ensuring that employees have a relaxation area with everything they need to chat for a while and relax, such as quality water or coffee dispensing machines.

5) Minimize pressure and stress

Although discipline is important and there are people who work better under pressure, in general, workers tend to be more efficient and creative when they do not feel pressured by the boss, nor do they have excessive workloads with difficult deadlines to meet.

6) Analyze and measure the results obtained from a collective perspective

One of the most important stages of all strategies is to analyze and measure the results that are being obtained in order to take the necessary corrective measures, in the event that deviations occur between the company’s objectives and what has actually been achieved. But it is very important that this monitoring is done naturally and with a focus on the work group, without blaming a specific professional for poor results. If this is not done, the employee would feel controlled and even supervised, which will make the work environment worse and the team’s motivation will drop a lot.

7) Avoid falling into routine and lack of incentives

Boredom is the worst enemy of productivity. If the worker does not have fun with what he does, the results will not be more than mediocre. It is very important to keep the flame of motivation burning with constant incentives, both on a day-to-day basis and in the professional career of each employee in the medium and long term. The worker must find incentives to go day after day with encouragement and a positive attitude to his job, which implies a good working environment and real possibilities for promotion, without immovable hierarchies or overly rigid work recuitment system.

8) Facilitate family reconciliation and professional and personal fulfillment

These aspects are not easy to achieve, since the situations of each worker are very diverse, and the same happens with the concept that each one has of professional and personal fulfillment. However, issues such as greater flexibility in schedules, the possibility of working from home, listening to everyone and encouraging them to contribute ideas and worrying about their motivations and problems beyond the office walls, are some of the keys to improving employee well-being and satisfaction. Finally, note that you must always keep in mind that all these recommendations lose effectiveness if, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the individual characteristics of each worker are not taken into account. Everyone understands motivation and well-being in their job in a different way, and to satisfy each person it is necessary to know them as well as possible on a personal and professional level. In this matter, communication between management, intermediate positions and employees is absolutely basic.


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