PR metrics
PR metrics

Can you believe that more than 80% of professionals who work in public relations don’t know much about how to measure and evaluate their PR campaigns? It’s a tricky process, but if you want to reach the top of your niche, you can’t ignore this parameter.

How can a PR pro figure out how well a campaign did?

The only way to get PR metrics and figure out how they affect your campaign is to use monitoring tools that let you track KPIs and see how they affect your campaign. If you try to measure success without tools as good as these, you might choose the wrong PR strategy. A job like this can also take a lot of time and not get the job done well.

But it would be wrong to think that these tools will do all of your PR work for you. Start by figuring out how to measure the results you want from your campaign by planning and setting goals. By setting big goals, a PR pro can set up a project that will be successful and figure out what metrics are needed to improve communication.

What do you want to achieve with your next PR campaign?

Would you like to make more people aware of a brand?

Do you want to get the people you want to buy your new product or service?

Would you tell a lie to get a potential client to do something?

List of PR Metrics to Think About

There is a lot of data in the modern PR world, which makes it hard to find the right metrics to help your business grow. You need to learn how to find the best tools for your PR campaign that can help you in the real world. Check out the list of metrics below to help you make your choice:

Mentions of Brands

Many PR experts think that this metric is the most important one. It works well to spread the word about your brand on social media networks. It tells you how many times your company name or hashtag have been mentioned online in a certain amount of time.

Sentiment: This metric lets you know how your target audience feels about your message when they see it in the media. It works better than checking the number of site visits, which only lets you guess what your target audience is interested in. PR experts look at the words and emojis people use to talk about certain topics online and see if they are positive, negative, or neutral. A sign of success is getting as many positive responses as possible.

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This metric looks at how your target audience reacts to the PR materials you share on different social media networks. PR pros always pay attention to the number of likes, comments, and shares. It’s all about getting people to do something in the online community.

Reach is a metric that PR pros can use to find out how many active users have looked at your media content. A successful campaign needs to reach as many people as possible. You can keep track of the right KPIs with useful monitoring tools on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter.

Visits to a website

Most PR pros do focus on social media, but that doesn’t mean you should stop working on your site. By looking at the traffic, you can figure out how good your PR campaign is. To do better, you should learn how to use the Google Analytics tool.

Got value from the media

It’s helpful for a PR pro to estimate how much money they will need to spend on ads for a PR campaign to work well.

Email metrics

Email metrics are an important part of any PR campaign that wants to be successful. There are many common ways to measure the success rate, such as the response rate, the open rate, or the click-through rate.

One Last Thing…

Now you can see that if you don’t have PR metrics, it’s hard to evaluate your work and be sure that everything goes well. Set PR goals, pick the right metrics, and change your strategy as needed.

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