QR code for donations has been a game changer in sending help—monetary aid, available shelter, mobilizing rescue operations, and more.

Hurricane Ian, a category four hurricane that recently hit Florida, Alabama, has devastated many homes and livelihoods, putting people in immediate need of donations and rescue.

The American Red Cross has used the best QR code generator technology to raise funds and gather donations.

Scanning the QR codes took users to the organization’s website for relief and donation efforts, including shelter, meals, medical supplies, and more.

Similarly, Alabama has encouraged people to either scan the QR code issued by the Alabama Department of Tourism or call 211 to access the list of hotels, campgrounds, and short-term rentals with rooms available for all evacuees of the hurricane.

QR code for donations brings help faster, closer, and more secure to those needing it. Check out how other organizations use contactless donations through QR codes.

QR code donations through mobile wallets

Mobile wallets such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and WeChat Pay are becoming increasingly common worldwide.

This simply means that wherever you are in the world, you can now send help to those affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, bushfires, and more.

What’s great is that mobile wallets now offer QR codes for donations and send the money to organizations such as the Red Cross, which use these funds to mobilize aid.

Some mobile wallets that allow QR codes for donations include:

  • GCash and Maya from the Philippines
  • Venmo from the US
  • Boost app from Malaysia
  • And more

QR code donations through NGOs

Thanks to the ease of use and versatility of QR codes, non-government organizations can now utilize the technology to expand fundraising efforts.

Aside from helping those who suffer from natural disasters, they also help in other charitable causes.

These include financing poor children’s food and school, fighting against overfishing and pollution, protecting endangered species, and providing clean water to depressed areas.

These NGOs and other charitable organizations accept donations from digital wallets and bank transfers through their QR codes placed in strategic locations.

The majority of them provide you the option to personalize your donations and give any amount you like.

This process is more streamlined than simply donating loose changes or pennies, which was the norm before the rise of QR code use and mobile banking and wallets.

QR code donations through text-to-give

Text-to-give offers a quick and easy way to donate through smartphones.

The fact that almost everyone has a smartphone in this day and age means that there is very little to no learning curve before anyone may make a donation.

Users simply need to scan the QR code on televisions and ads to lead to a text-to-give page where they can send their donations—no need to type in the text code!

One of the most significant advantages of text-to-give QR codes is that people are more likely to donate because images or videos show an immediate need to donate and help those currently experiencing hard times.

With word of mouth, QR code donations through text-to-give can also quickly generate donations, which is especially crucial for time-bound emergencies.

Gather the help and support you need via QR code donations

Help is always there—you just have the proper channels to gather them from people who are always willing to help.

With QRTIGER, the best QR code generator software, organizations can generate QR codes and encourage people to donate.

The software allows customization, including colors and logos. It also offers dynamic QR codes that come with a feature for tracking real-time scan analytics.

Go to QRTIGER and create QR codes for donations today.


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